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About the first edition of The History and Descendants of Gottlieb Diede that was prepared in 1979 by Velva Diede Walden.
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Velva's Forward from the First EditionI was interested in family and relatives from childhood on and knew many of you (my peers) and your parents and grand-parents. Then, like so many of you, I left home and moved to the far west. I often though about the relatives I had known and wondered where they were and wished that I knew something about them. Following the televising of 'Roots' my son began to ask questions about our ancestors and then I determined that i would find out all I could about the family and write it up. This has proven to be a much bigger project than I would ever have anticipated but it has been most exciting and rewarding. First of all I want to express appreciation from the bottom of my heart to each and every one of you who have made this project possible by furnishing me information and addresses for further information. I want to give special thanks to Mrs. Rose Sayler of Lodi, California. Rose furnished me a name and address for each of the Matthew Sayler - Marie Diede family and collected the complete information for the large family of your father-in-law, John Sayler. It was her cooperation and energy that made me feel that I could succeed in doing this genealogy project. Many thanks Rose. My thanks to to all of you that wrote letters of appreciation when you sent your material. They gave me the courage to write more and more letters for information. My thanks and apologies to those of you who I contacted numerous times and pressed for more addresses and information for always responding. I do regret that I was not able to get complete information in a few cases. If enough late material comes in I will do supplemental pages and mail them to you. I am including an article from the Heritage Review that will give you some background and history of our people. I hope that what I have written up will be satisfactory to all concerned. I'm sure there will be some errors but I hope you will excuse them. I have done my best to copy the information as I received it but errors do occurs. Velva Diede Walden
Note from Velva's son DavidVelva wrote her Diede book manuscript out by hand; her son-in-law Paul Hampson typed the manuscript for Velva's private publication of the book. In May 1982, Velva distributed a mimeographed update and correction list to her book.A few years after compiling and self publishing her Diede book, Velva Walden moved from the home she and her husband Clarence had built in a rural location some miles outside Coos Bay to a house at 877 Fourth Street in downtown Coos Bay, where she could be close to friends, church and shops. In 2001, she decided it was time to stop living on her own, and she moved to a retirement community in Stockton, California, near her daughter Velma Walden Hampson and son-in-law Paul Hampson. In 2004, she moved to live with my wife and me in our home in East Sandwich, Massachusetts. Family Descriptions from the First Edition[The first edition of this book was divided into twelve sections-one for each of the eleven Diede families that came to America and one for the two Diede families that stayed in Russia. These descriptions are reproduced here.The description on page 13 introduced the thirteen children of Gottlieb Diede and his wife Anna Margret Metler. A further description was included at the beginning of the section of the book on each family (e.g., page 16, etc.). The following descriptions are copied directly from Velva Diede Walden's first edition of this book. No attempt has been made (at this time) to confirm the accuracy of the information Velva gathered in light of further genealogical research that Margie Jackson Zimmerman has done.] [Introduction to the various Diede families] [Page 13] Michael Diede and his wife Anna Christina and there 3 children, Gottlief (8), Anna Christina (6), and Michael (2) came from Germany to Russia in 1819, according to Dr. Karl Stumpp. They came to Johannesthal, which was founded in 1820. Of the inhabitants, 27 families came from Württemberg, 5 from Prussian Poland, 1 from Saxony, and 1 from Switzerland. There was no place of origin or occupation listed for the Diede's, however, materials I've read about other inhabitants of Johannesthal have give their place of origin as Württemberg, so I'm assuming that was the Diede's place of origin. Michael Diede was listed a 31 yeasr old so we can assume his date of birth was about 1787. Their son, Gottlieb, was listed as 8 years old so I am assuming he was born about 1811 or 1812. Gottlieb married Anna Margret Metler. They had 13 children that grew to adulthood. We do not have birth dates for a number of their children but we have tried to determine approximated birth dates by the age of the oldest child. This was done for those that came to America only. Those that remained in Russia I'm just listing. 1. Christina Diede married Karl Mutschelknaus, she died on or near 8/22/1859. Here older child was born 9/7/1857, so we think Christina was born betten 1835 and 1840. 2. Dorothea Diede married Ludwig Ulmer, she was born 10/17/1843. 3. Carolina Diede married Michael Sayler in 1868 (?) in S.R. Her oldest son's birthday was given to me as 1867 so we can assume she was born about 1847. 4. Marie Diede married Matthew Sayler, she was born 3/8/1850. 5. Margrata Diede married Christian Zimmerman, she was born 2/7/1854. 6. Christian Diede married Christina will, he was born 5/5/1858. 7. Regina Diede married Michael Will. Their oldest son was born in 1883 so the family thinks a likely year of birth is 1862 or 1863. 8. Rosina Diede married Karl Metler, she was born 2/3/1865. Mrs. Karl Schoizman, who I'll write more about later, says: 9. Heinrich Deide was the oldest son, 10. Jacob was next, and 11. Gottlieb Diede, her father, was the youngest chiild. Mrs. Metzger had told me her mother, Rosina Diede Miller, was youngest. Anyhow, one of them was. Daughters who remained in Russia were: 12. Katherina Diede, who married Phillip Heinle, and 13. Elizabeth Diede, who married Jacob Fischer. Christina Diede Family [page 16] Christina Diede married Karl Mutschelknous in Jonnesthal, South Russia. Christina died on or near August 26, 1859 in Johannesthal. Christina and karl had 2 daughters. The youngest, Wilhelmina was 7 days old when her mother died; she married George Sayler, her older sister, Carolina married Jacob Staiger. Karl Mutschelknaus remarried and came to America in 1885. The Mutshclknwus' living in western North Dakota are his descendants. The children from his second marriage are, to the best of my knowledge, Jacob, Karl, Christian and Gottleib Mutschelknaus; and his daughters, Christina, married to John Dittus Sr., and Katherina, married to Jacob Imhoff. The Dorthea Diede Family [Page 53] Dorthea Diede married Ludwig Ulmer. Dorthea was born in Johannesthal, South Russia, on October 17, 1843. Ludwig was born in Russia also, on July 10, 1839. They came from Johnnesthal in 1885 bringing 8 children with them, two other children were born in America. Ludwig Ulmer died March 17, 1916. Dorthea (Diede) Ulmer died May 10, 1925. They settle near Menno, south Dakota when they came to this country and are buried in Artis, South Dakota. They were survived by 10 children, 82 grand-children and 50 great-grand-children (this number has increased, as you will read). A great-grand-daughter by married wrote me that when her father was very young he knew Mr. Ulmer and remembers his as a very "good-hearted, hardworking man". The Carolina Diede Family [Page 149] Carolina Diede, born in 1844 in Johannesthal, S.R., married Michael Sayler in 1868 in Johannesthal, S.R., where Michael was born in 1942. Nine of their fourteen children died in Russia, the other five came with them to America. They came from Russia on the steamship Kaiser Wilhelm and landed in New York City in 1902, after a 2 week journey. They first stopped at Scotland, SD where one of Carolina's sisters Mrs. Marie Sayler, was living and then came to North Dakota to homestead in McLean County, 7 miles NW of Garrison, ND. Carolina Sayler died in 1905; someone recently wrote me that she broke a rib that punctured her lung and died a few weeks later. Mr. Sayler remarried and so the Sayler family had no further contact with their Diede relatives. Her grandchildren did not know that their grandmother had bothers and sisters until contact was made with them in connection with this genealogy project. The Maria Diede Family [Page 198] Maria Diede was born March 7, 1850 in Johannesthal. In 1868 she married Matthew Sayler, born December 29, 1850 in Johannesthal, SR. In about 1872 Christ and Anna Beatty Sayler, Matthew's parents and their 8 children arrived, by sailboat, in the United States. Matthew and Maria, and their two children, John and Christine, were members of the parth, which settled in Sandusky, Ohio. In 1873 or 1874 five of the Sayler brothers, including Matthew, came to South Dakota. The Matthew Sayler family remained near Scotland, SD until 1903 or 1904. six children were born during this time. In 1903 or 1904 they moved to Hebron, North Dakota, where they lived until their deaths; Matthew, June 17, 1934, and Maria in 1921 at Hebron, ND. The Margretha Diede Family [Pages 258-259] Christian and margretha Diede Zimmerman started their married life and raised their childred in Johannesthal, South Russia. They had a comfortable, beautiful by their standards, home there with an orchard of fruit and nut trees as well as grapes, and had some livestock. As so many others they decided to go to America to save their sons from the Russian Army. The three oldest of their children, Katherina, Jacob and Gotlieb went first, coming to South Dakota and working there to earn money to help bring the rest of the family over. In May of 1902, when the orchard was in bloom, the rest of the family started for America. No doubt there were mixed feelings, leaving a comfortable home and friends but also hoping for a better life for their children. John, rose and Emilie were on one ship and the others on another as the parents way was paid and the youngsters rode free, the other were on a "pay later" fare. the ship carrying the older children arrived first and was kept out of port till the parents arrived two days later and all were unloaded and continued their trip to Scotland, South Dakota together. Some of Margret's sisters were already living there at that time. In February or March 0f 1907 they moved to North Dakota. their daughter Katherina had married Matthew Sayler and was living at Hebron so they came there first but found a farm southeast of Odessa, near the Cannonball River where they settled down. It was a beautiful location. The house was at the foot of a hil that had a spring of water flowing down, lots of trees. It was a two room house but Christ added a wing and again had a comfortable home. Christ had a "touch" for planting trees and had some beauties. Margret had a garden behind the house surrounded by a white pickett fence. The farm was very close to the river where fishing was good. Later when his son Christ got married he lived across the river from his parents and the grandchildren were very welcome in their grandparents home, often staying with them when the river was high and going to school from there. Ann rickets remembers Grandma putting them to bed and standing by their bed to hear them say their pray3ers then giving them a candy to end a perfect day. She also remembers Grandpas taking them to town for a vacation Bible school with his one horse buggy, then spending the day in town and taking them home again. All Margrets grandchildren remember her as a loving, friendly woman. Both Christ and Margret love to sing and passed this love for singing on to their children. Christ played the organ too. Christ was an easy going person who would respond with a "Hots-welt" to the most exciting story... Margret had a problem with Astma and often choked up, so she was unable to do many things she would have like to, her son John remember her getting a spell sometimes on the way to church and having to turn back... when John got married he lived with his parents to help with the farming till Christ and Margret moved to Hebron in 1922, where Margret passed away December 6, 1925. They had a house next door to the daughter Katherina who took care of them till their death. Christ passed away June 10, 1935. The farm they lived on is vacant now, but the house still stands surrounded by huge trees, it still is a beautiful locations, the spring still flows, and on a visit there a few years ago, I was almost "aware" of my grandparents there smiling and showing us around. I felt like staying around a while longer and visiting some more... Written by Sara Zimmerman Luithle. Memories were related to her by two cousins, Art Sandau and Anna ricketts, who remember their grandparents well. All the Zimmerman children were born in Johannesthal, South Russia. Christian Diede Family [Page 313] Christian and Christina Diede were both born in Johannesthal, South Russia. Mrs. Diede was the daughter of Michael will and his wife Justina Heinle. They were married in Johannesthall and came to America through Halifax in Canada. According to their citizenship papers they entered the United States through the "port of Pembina", in North Dakota, in 1903. The first winter they lived with one of Mrs. Diede's sisters in Bmismark (Mrs. Jacob Walz). They moved south of Hebron and bought some land that had a sod house on it. That was the far in which Gottleib Diede lived for many years. A number of years after [later] they moved to the farm now known as theMike Diede farm. Alfred Diede, a grandson, lives there now. Mr. and Mrs. Chirstian Diede retired to Hebron and lived in the house where the David Diede's later lived, until their deaths. Christian Diede died of stomach cancer and Christina Diede of hardening of the arteries. The Regina Diede Famly [Page 341] Regina Diede married Michael will in Johannesthal. In 1901 the Michael Will family migrated to America on the vessel Deutschland, arriving in New York on October 17, 1901. They then traveled by train to Scotland, SD. From Scotland a branch line train was boarded for Eureka, SD where the Will family stayed with the Ludwig Ulmer family through the winter. Mrs. will and Mrs. Ulmer were sisters. The following spring the Will family moved by wagons to their homestead 15 miles NW of Lehr, ND. Mrs. Will died of breast cancer after an extended illness, on April 3, 1909 and is buried in Logan County, ND. Mr. Will remarried and moved to Velva, ND where he died and was buried in 1939. they brought the following children with them from russia: Christina, Jacob, Michael Anna Margaret, Gottleib, and elizabeth. William was born in Logan County. Some of the following material was collected in 1976. The birthdates of the Will are not known but their oldest child was born in 1883 and if they were 20 or 21 at that time, they may have been born in 1862 or 1863. The Rosina Diede Family [Page 363-364] Rosina Diede was born February 13, 1865 in Johanesthal, South Russia. Her husband, Karl Miller was born 5/27/1866 in Neubert, Russia. Elizabeth Metzger told me her parents were cousins. The Miller family had planned to come to America with the Christian Diede family in 1903 but Mrs. Miller became ill and so they could not come. Mrs. Metzger told me that their ocean journey took 8 days. The winds started immediately and it stormed during the entire trip. She still has vivid memories of the journey and how very, very seasick they were. they were so ill that no one could have gone for food. One brother-in-law, Jacob Kessele, who had been a soldier was rather adventuresome and immediately began exploring the ship. Fortunately he did not become ill and managed to bring them some food; mashed potatoes, sour kraut and spare ribs. The Millers came to American in 1904 and went first to Scotland, South Dakota, where Rosina's sister lived. In January 1905 they came to Hebron, North Dakota by train. they arrived in very cold weather and there was no one to meet them. the station agent sent them across the street to a grocery store operated by a Mr. Lutz. Mr. Lutz directed them to the home of Karl Mutschelknaus. When they arrived a German lady met them at the door and upon seeing this family immediately invited them in "Kommen sie dach herin. Es ist ja so kalt drusen". (Do come in it's so cold out). She added tot he food cooking and they were fed and put up for the night. The next morning Mr. Miller started to walk out to where the Christian Diede family lived (to become the Gottleib Diede farm). It was foggy out and Mrs. Miller was very worried that he would get lost. However, about 3 p.m. the sled arrived with Mr. Miller and Mr. Diede and so the family left Hebron to spend the winter with the Christian Diede's. David Diede remember the winter the Diede's and Miller's lived together. they had two rooms. the parents slept in beds and the children all lined up on the floor to sleep. Last year I wrote Mrs. Kessler (Esther Mutschelknaus and wife of Rev. Jacob Kessler) about this incident Mrs. Miller told me about. She wrote right back and said she remember the night very well when the Miller's arrived. Karl Mutschelknaus (former brother-in-law of the Miller's) and his second wife and faimly had migrated to Hebron about 1885. His son and family were living near Mott, children were of school age and so grandpa insisted they move to Hebron for the winter so the children could go to school (Mott did not have a school at that time). Mrs. Kessler remembers she was particularly fascinated by the dresses the Miller girls were wearing. (written by Velva Walden) The Katherina Diede Family [Page 391] Marherina Diede and Phillip Heinle were both born in Johannesthal, S.R. They were married and lived there. Phillip died of pneumonia while serving in the Russian army during the Russian war with Japan. The Heinles had ten children; five sons, and five daughters. The sons were Phillip, gottleib, Henry, Jacob and Christian Phillip. the daughters were Anna, Lydia, Liza, Rosa, and Gatja. Christian Phillip Heinle was the only one of the family to come to America. He came in 1918 after having served in the U.S. Army under General Pershing during World War I. He steeled in Hebron, ND where he married and was a worked in the brick yard. In 1923 the family move to Missoula, MT where Mr. Heinles worked for the Northern Pacific Railroad. He lived in Massoula until his death, May 15, 1971. Mrs. Heinle still lives in Missoula. [Page 394] Martha Oelke gave ma a name and address for a cousin Katherina Voll who lives in Germany. I wrote her about 4 months ago but have not received an answer. [Page 397] There is also a Rosina Diede who married ___ Koplin. She died in 1955, he son lives with her in Russia. Emilia said there were 8 children in her family, so this Rosina could have been a niece. I compiled this material from 3 different letters, so there could easily be inaccuracies. Emilia is giving all this material from memory as they carried no records out of Russia. ... Emilaia speaks of her [Elizabeth Diede] as the second sister but of course she did not know Dora Ulmer and Marie Sayler who came to this country in the 1880s. Mrs. Mike Diede rememberd Jacob Fisher, he was her Suandy School teacher. the Fischer's had no children. [Page 398] Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diede of Deadwood, SD gave me an address for Emilia Diede, now Mrs. Karl Schorzmann. They returned from Russia to German when Hitler retreated during World War II. Many of the family members who were returning to Germany with the German Army were seized and carried away to Siberia (they always refer to Siberia as Russia so when I use the term Russia you will know it means Siberia, not South Russia). (July 3, 1978) She (Emilia) remembers her grandfather althought she was only 4 years old when he died. "I was my grandfather's sleeping companion. When I went to bed he asked me to say my prayers. Sometimes I was stubborn and would not say my prayers and he would not give me a ringele (a cookie I remember having as a child but I cannot remember what they looked like -V.W.) They were so good and sweet and so, childlike, I said my prayers so I could have one." She goes on and tells about their journey from Russia to Germany. When she speaks of her Uncle Heinrich she says, "I don't know where they are. We were driven from each other like wild animals and were scattered into all parts of the world and were all homeless. No one knew where their loved ones were or if they were alive." Karl and Emilia Schorzmann were separated from their son for 21 years. She remembers Katharina Diede who married Phillip Heinle as the oldest sister. (again, she did not know those who came to America early) Of Heinrich Diede's sons she wrote, "Jakob's new wife raised the children until the war in 1945 when they were "Verschlipt", scattered out. Jacob died there in the woods, his two sons had Russian wives. As there was no state support of any kind for the mother she lived with the sons. She lived two weeks with one and was then taken to the other sons', thus alternately. One nice day the one wife took the mother to the woods and left her there. When her husband came home he inquired about his mother, he was told that she had taken her to the brothers house. A few days passed and the brothers chanced to meet and when the one inquired about his mother he was told, "she's at your house". On then it came to light that the mother was missing. She was never found and they never knew if she'd starved to death or been devoured by wolves." Emilia wrote, "We struggled through thick and thin and survived only with body and sould. The story of our lives would fill a huge book." Emilia herself does not write because of her physical conditions but she dictates to her husband who write for her.
She has asked for pictures of family members for the album for her children. the read the German written with English letters and I know they'd greatly appreicate letters from family members. Their address is
. [Updated February 15, 2020] |